This website is not meant for asking university-related questions or communication on questions of the Progress Test. Additionally, it is not possible to sign up for a test via this website. All specific questions related to e.g. studies, results, model/measurements or testing/test administration can be send directly to the university where you study or work.
Despite extensive evaluation of questions before they are included in a progress test, imperfections cannot be entirely prevented. The progress test evaluation committee wishes to be informed of errors in the content of questions and of questions with ambiguous or multi-interpretable formulations. Students are therefore invited to submit their comments during the official review organised by your own institution.
With the adaptive Progress Test, different comments could be submitted on thousands of questions. Therefore, comments made on new questions (that do not count for the test score) will be analyzed predominantly. As for the other questions, the main focus will be on adaptations of psychometrical characteristics that indicate a change in content-related correctness.
All comments that meet the criteria are reviewed by the Interfaculty Progress Test Evaluation Committee (IVBC). The Committee’s findings and conclusions are documented and, if required, discussed with the discipline(s) concerned. This can result in removal of questions from the database (cancelled questions) or in changes in answer keys (key change). Situations in which these can occur, are also described on the page “Criteria for student comments“.
Students that would like to use their legal right to review their Progress Test results (the “juridische inzage”) will be given this opportunity via their faculty. Students can apply for this review and will receive a 45-minute time slot, in which safety measures will be similar to examination conditions.
Note: log in to Testvision and submit your comments through the review of your test items.